Jason Bontempo
Chairman and Non-Executive Director
Chairman and Non-Executive Director
Mr Bontempo has 22 years’ experience in public company management, corporate advisory, investment banking and public company accounting, since qualifying as a chartered accountant with Ernst & Young. Mr Bontempo has worked primarily serving on the board and the executive management of minerals and resources public companies focusing on advancing, financing and developing mineral resource assets and business development. Mr Bontempo also provides corporate advice services for the financing of resource companies across multiple capital markets and resource asset acquisitions and divestments.
Non-Executive Director
Mr McFadzean is a mining engineer with over 40 years of mining and process experience across a broad range of commodities and geographies. He has had extensive exposure to all levels of operations andvcorporate leadership across his career, including managing the construction, commissioning and ramp-up of six new mining operations globally.
Mr McFadzean holds a Diploma of Mining from Curtin University (W.A. School of Mines), W.A. Quarry Managers Certificate and Fellow of AusIMM. He is currently the non-executive chairman of Aquirian Limited (ASX:AQN) and a non-executive director of Argosy Limited (ASX:AGY) and Bannerman Energy Ltd (ASX:BMN).
Non-Executive Director & Company Secretary
Mr Bertolatti is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary with over 10 years’ experience in the mining industry and accounting profession. Mr Bertolatti has both local and international experience and provides assistance to a number of resource companies with financial accounting and stock exchange compliance.
Mr Bertolatti has significant experience in the administration of ASX listed companies, corporate governance and corporate finance.